Lookup Your Subscription
  • In order to change your address, you must locate your subscription record using either your account number (how do I find my account number?) or your email address and clicking Find My Subscription.

  • Enter your account number or email address, the first 3 characters of your City and the first 3 characters of your Last Name. Once your subscription information is displayed on the screen, make any necessary changes and click Submit My Change of Address.

  • If you are having problems or have questions, please contact us at circulation@fa-mag.com.
  • Lookup by Account
  • Lookup by Email
First 3 Letters of City:
First 3 Letters of Last Name:

This space available for instructions, lookup failed message, graphics....

First 3 Letters of City:
First 3 Letters of Last Name:

This space available for instructions, lookup failed message, graphics....